The Littlest Princess

Monday, May 15, 2006

Two months old and feeling fine…

Here is my two months pic… aren’t I just the picture of cute? I know this dates back to April 28th, but I can’t help that.

Mom is just so slow at getting things printed off the camera- I bug her and bug her to no avail. When I whine about it she feeds me- I guess she can’t quite understand me yet. Yeah, I know. Mom’s slow.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Argh!!! This is the worst.
I know I have posted here before
about how much I hate bath time,
it is wet and clean and… well…
generally not all that much fun.
Yet here I am being bathed,
and I am not minding it
(all that much). Maybe its because mommy didn’t make a big production out of the thing
by using that big tub thing she has.
She was just all sneaky and tossed me in the sink right quick for an emergency cleaning.
I almost didn’t realize what was happening until it was too late.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Here comes Ashley Cottontail...

Hey guys, it’s me again.

I know these pictures are kinda old… (Easter was so long ago) but I thought I would post these pics anyways.

The ears are courtesy of Grandma Marsha, as you can see they are my favorite accessory…

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


I got this thing delivered to my nursery the other
day, my parent tell me its a crib. Whatever. They
also told me that I would now be expected to sleep
in said apparatus at night. As if. Like I am going to sleep all alone in that scary room at night. I don't care how super cool that "crib" is- I am not interested. Unless of course mommy would like to join me. That might work better ;o)

Top 5 lies that parents tell their babies…

5. Look away and it won’t hurt quite as bad. Uhm, yeah right. You wanna put that big needle where?!?! Looking away isn’t going to make it hurt any less, trust me…
4. Bathing is fun…
3. Changing diapers is a necessary part of the day. ‘Scuse me… but did I give you permission to steal all that warm stuff off my bum after I worked so hard to put it there in the first place??
2. Hiccups hurt me more than they hurt you…
1. Nighttime is for sleeping. Uhm, not quite guys. Nighttime is for playing with the mommy, and eating, and crying. What ever gave you the idea that nights were for sleeping?!?